What should I do to find out my account balance?
Option 1: Go to our closest branch, fill in the relevant information request form and submit to bank clerk.
Option 2: Use our internet banking solutions: E-first and Sara Banking. Subscribe to them and access your account information on your smartphone instantly.
Are transfers from outside the Cemac region allowed into a savings account?
Yes, such transactions are allowed.
What is the purpose of the CFAF 50,000 deposited at the time of opening a savings account?
The amount is the minimum required deposit in the account. It will be returned to the customer when the account is closed.
Can a transfer be made from a savings account?
No, transfers from a savings account are not allowed, considering that the purpose of a savings account is to help build up savings. However, Afriland First Bank allows transfers to a savings account.
Is it possible to make withdrawals from a savings account? (different from a blocked account)
Contrary to a blocked account, a savings account is a sight account, i.e. the customer can make a withdrawal at any time. This is not the case for a blocked account, also called a term account. As soon as the blocked account is opened, the customer decides to block his or her savings in order to withdraw them on a specific date.
How do I obtain my account history?
Option 1: Go to any Afriland First Bank branch fill in an information request form and submit it to bank clerk or to the manager.
Option 2: Afriland First Bank also offers you its internet banking solutions: E-first and Sara. Subscribe to any of them and you will be able to access your account at any time.
How long does it take to process a cheque discount?
The length of time for cheque discounting varies according to the type of cheque concerned. If it is a cheque whose payee and drawee are both Afriland First Bank customers, the discounting time is 24 hours. On the other hand, if it is a cheque for clearing, the processing time varies between 24 and 72 hours, depending on the time of submission.
What are the requirements for obtaining a unique identification slip?
Submit a written request, together with a photocopy of your NIC, to the Managing Director of Afriland First Bank through your local branch manager.
What is the procedure for salary domiciliation (for civil servants)?
o 1st step: open a bank account
o 2nd step: a file made up of: a coloured photocopy of the NIC, 1 4×4 photo, certificate of effective presence, a CFAF 1000 fiscal stamp, an application form for salary domiciliation in the account to be filled in on site)
How does the savings account operate? (interest rate, interest accrual, maintenance costs)?
Please refer to the bank terms and conditions.
What are the requirements for opening a savings account?
The client must be of age or an emancipated minor. Documents to be provided:
• A photocopy of the NIC or passport
• Two 4×4 photos
• A home location map
• Proof of home address (lease contract or water, electricity, telephone bill, etc.)
• Taxpayer’s Attestation
In addition to these documents, opening a savings account requires a minimum deposit of CFAF 25,000 .
What is the weekly withdrawal ceiling on a Partner card?
The Partner card is intended for customers with current accounts. The weekly withdrawal ceiling is CFAF 1,000,000.
What is the weekly withdrawal ceiling on a Fellow card?
The weekly withdrawal ceiling on the Fellow card is CFAF 750,000. The Fellow card is intended to enable account holders build up savings.
What is the bank’s fee for international card transactions?
The fee CFAF 3,000 excluding VAT.
What is the bank’s fee on prepaid card transactions?
The fee for online payments is CFAF 1000.
What is the difference between a Visa card and a Mastercard card?
Visa has a wider acceptance network in Europe, America and Africa, while Mastercard has a wider acceptance network in Asia. This difference should be considered when applying for an international card.
What is the withdrawal ceiling on a card per transaction?
The ceiling for withdrawals per transaction stands at CFAF 250,000. By the way, you can make several withdrawals in a row to attain the full amount you wish to withdraw.
How do I cancel my card?
Write a cancellation request to the Managing Director of First Bank and submit it in the mail office.
How do I change my card?
Contact the cards department to collect a card application form. Fill it in and submit it in to the clerk at the cards department.
How much do cards cost?
Afriland First Bank’s cards are available in packages that make your life easier:
◦ Junior Pack: CFAF 500/month excl. tax/ : Carte Fellow, Sara and Mac Orange
◦ Civil servant Pack: CFAF 1950/month excl. tax: Partner, Sara, Mac Orange and Mtn cards, permanent overdraft, insurance (fraud, card replacement, cash theft at ATM) and purchase protection
◦ Easy Go Pack: CFAF 4,500/month excl. VAT (Visa Classic, Mastercard classic, Sara, Mac MTN & Orange, Insurance, SMS First, permanent overdraft and permanent transfer, insurance against fraud, card replacement, ATM cash theft and purchase protection, emergency medical assistance, personal travel assistance service, travel, loss and delay, personal travel and third party travel)
◦ Pack Elite First: CFAF 12,000 /month excl. VAT (Visa Gold, Mastercard Gold, Sara, SMS First, Mac Orange and MTN, permanent overdraft and permanent transfer, free card renewal and express service, insurance) flexible billing (monthly, quarterly or annual, at your choice), insurance against fraud, card replacement, cash theft at ATMs and protection of purchase
▪ travel emergency medical assistance
▪ travel personal assistance service
▪ travel
▪ loss and delay
▪ personal travel
▪ travel liability
How do I change my PIN?
Go to any ATM, enter your card code and access the menu. Then select the “change PIN” option. Enter your new code. Confirm the transaction and print the ticket to end of the transaction.
What should I do if I forget my PIN?
Contact the cards department to reset your PIN.
What should I do if my card is blocked?
Please contact your account manager or the bank cards department. If you are away from your branch, please contact our quality unit to block your card immediately by dialling the following numbers:
+ 237 680 05 80 05 (WhatsApp)
or 222518050 (calls)
What should I do when my card is swallowed or if I lose it?
• If you have lost your bank card, obtain a certificate of loss and contact the bank cards department.
• If your card is swallowed by an ATM, contact the bank cards department manager of the branch where the incident happened to retrieve your card.
What should I do when my card expires?
Contact our bank cards department or your account manager.
Can Afriland First Bank buy back the loan owed by a customer to a sister bank?
Yes, it is possible. All the customer needs to do is to take an appointment with a business manager, who will tell the customer how to proceed.
What are the requirements for obtaining an overdraft?
You must be gainfully employed. Private sector employees must have at least one year’s longevity in their job. Public sector employees can be granted a loan as soon as they receive their first salary.
How long does it take to repay a loan?
The loan term depends on your company/employer. For civil servants, the term can be up to 8 years.
What are the requirements for individuals to access loans?
To obtain a loan from Afriland First Bank, you must be gainfully employed, either in the public or private sector. Private sector employees must have at least one year’s longevity to be granted a loan. Public sector employees are eligible for credit upon receipt of their first salary.
How long does it take to process a loan application?
48 Hours.
What should I do if I have forgotten my code?
Contact your telephone operator if you forget your code.
What should I do if a transaction was not successful but my account is debited?
Wait 24 to 72 hours before making a complaint to your account manager. Generally, these transactions are automatically resolved.
What should I do when I lose my phone?
Contact your account manager for the deactivation of this service.
How to log in?
Subscribe to the service at the closest Afriland First Bank branch. Once your bank account has been linked to your mobile money account, you can operate with complete ease.
Why should I log out after every session?
To protect yourself against the risk of a third party using your accounts to access your mobile phone/tablet.
When I log in to the application and the following message pops up: “Account blocked, please contact your bank”. What does this mean?
Access to the application is automatically blocked for security reasons after three unsuccessful attempts to correctly enter your password / PIN. Your account is blocked to prevent the fraudulent use of your access settings. This does not mean that your bank account has been frozen. Contact your account manager or the closest bank officer to obtain a temporary login code.
Is it possible to make transactions between my Sara Money account and my Mobile Money account (MTN or Orange)?
No, not at the moment. We will keep you informed once this option is implemented.
How can I benefit from this services when I don’t have a bank account in Afriland First Bank?
This service operates like a Mobile Money account but with more menus and is more attractive than other Mobile Money accounts available on the market.
You can keep your money safe; you can view your transaction history, you can contact Afriland First Bank directly via the complaints menu, you can locate Afriland First Bank ATMs and branches as well as Merchant Points, Banking Agents and POS terminals. You have four different options to enable you to transfer funds, you can purchase communication credit from any mobile phone operator, you can make payments via your platform and manage a tontine without the need to move.
How can I contact Afriland First Bank when necessary?
You can send an email to the bank from your Sara Money account via the “complaints” menu in the application. You will receive a response to your concern within two working days. Or you can go to the closest Afriland First Bank branch.
How can I change my password without going to the bank or seeking the help of a bank staff?
• Click on the “Settings” menu of your Sara Money account
• Click on “Change PIN” functionality.
• Enter your current PIN/password
• Enter a new 4-digit PIN/password
• Confirm it by re-entering it.
• Click on “Confirm” to complete the process.
• Remember to use your new password the next time you access this service.
What is the “Tontine” menu?
The tontine menu allows people of the same circle to create a tontine in the form of a “Cloud” in the Sara Money application. Any member can distinguish and recognise other members by identifying who is a member of the executive (“Administrator”). It is possible for all members to contribute via the application.
The payment of the kitty to the designated beneficiary is initiated by one of the administrators and validated by all administrators so that the beneficiary can collect of his or her funds.
Every member of the tontine can track the contributions of other members and all members of the board can track contributions.
What is the QR Code?
The QR Code is an advanced version of the barcode that provides greater security and reliability for your transactions.
What is an OTP?
The OTP is a one-time password that is used to complete a transaction that you have initiated. Every transaction involving the movement of funds requires an OTP, which is different for every transaction.
Can I cancel a transfer I made via Sara Money?
You cannot cancel a transfer made if the beneficiary has already received the funds.
How do I make a money transfer via Sara Money?
• Click on the “Money Transfer” menu on the Sara Money platform.
• Select the type of transfer you wish to make.
• Fill in the required fields and complete your transaction.
• The amount will be transferred to the beneficiary once the transaction is completed.
What are the transaction limits for SARA MONEY?
The default daily transaction ceiling is CFAF 2 million for both interbank and intra-bank transfers.
How is the confidentiality of my personal information ensured?
Every effort is made to secure your remote operations, the latest encryption and authentication technologies are used to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data exchanged on the Internet; use of a strictly personal identifier and code/password, use of an OTP, etc.). The strict confidentiality of all your data and your exchanges with the agency is also ensured.
Once my accounts are linked, can I make transactions between my bank account and my Sara Money account?
Yes, you can make transactions between your Afriland First Bank account and your Sara Money account. But it is important to note that you can have a Sara Money account without holding a bank account in Afriland First Bank.
Am I allowed to link my bank accounts to my Sara Money account?
Yes, you can link any or all of your bank accounts to your Sara Money account.
From where can I access my Sara Money wallet?
You can access the Sara Money platform from anywhere in the world, provided you have access to an internet connection and your mobile phone can receive SMS messages.
When can I access my Sara Money wallet?
All services available through the Sara Money platform are accessible 24/7, allowing you to bank anytime, anywhere at your convenience. Your account balance and transaction history are always up to date regardless of when you log in.
What should I do if I lose my Sara Money account PIN?
If you forget or lose your SARA MONEY account access PIN, go to an Afriland First Bank branch or a bank staff and you will receive a new PIN to access your SARA MONEY account.
Are my access codes private?
Your connection parameters are strictly confidential and private.
Never give out your PIN/password to anyone in any way (e.g. by email, telephone, in writing), even if the person requesting the information claims to be a staff of Afriland First Bank.
Contact Afriland First Bank if you suspect that you have received a fraudulent email or phone call requesting you to disclose your access details to your Sara Money account. You can send us a copy of the email you received to onlinebanking@afrilandfirstbank.com / AFB_FINTECH@fbmailyde.afrilandfirstbank.com.
How do I access the Sara Money service?
After downloading the SARA application, installing it and having your account activated in an Afriland First Bank branch or a banking agent outlet, you can already access Sara Money via the temporary PIN that was sent you by SMS after your account was activated.
When you log in for the first time, the platform offers you the opportunity to further secure your Sara Money account by requiring you to change the temporary PIN you received by SMS.
You can then log in with the new password you created. Moreover, you can change your PIN at any time via the platform or by contacting the bank or a bank staff.
How much is charged for transactions made through the Sara Money platform?
Fees depend on the type of transaction you wish to perform. However, a pricing list will be published at Afriland First Bank branches, banking agent outlets, and on our website.
How much does it cost to subscribe to Sara Money?
All fees related to the subscription and use of the Sara Money service, once applicable, will be listed on posters and flyers made available to the public in First Bank branch and in the sales outlets of banking agents.
• The relevant fees will be automatically debited from your Sara Money account.
• Access to the Sara Money service will be suspended in case of non-payment for a period of three months.
How do I get my account activated once I have subscribed to the SARA MONEY service?
• Go to an Afriland First Bank branch with a copy of your identification document
• Fill in a subscription form available in the bank branch or downloadable from the bank’s website
• Attach your identification document to the completed form
• Submit both documents to bank staff in charge of activating Sara Money accounts, or
• Go to an Afriland First Bank banking agent.
How do I access the Sara Money service?
By downloading the SARA application from PlayStore or AppStore and accessing its subscription page.
Who can subscribe to Sara Money?
Any adult who may or may not hold a bank account in the books of Afriland First Bank may subscribe to the Sara Money application subject to the bank’s requirements.
Can I make payments via Sara Money?
Yes, this service offers you the possibility to secure your money in a non-cash form and to make payments and credit purchases from your mobile phone.
Is Sara Money a separate application from Sara Banking?
Sara Money is Afriland First Bank’s virtual wallet. It is part of the SARA application available on PlayStore and AppStore. When you download SARA, you can either subscribe to Sara Money, Sara Banking or to both.
Is it possible to add an account?
Yes, you can add one or more bank accounts as beneficiary account(s); whether or not they belong to you, whether or not they are domiciled in the books of Afriland First Bank or in the books of another bank in the same country.
Is it possible to contact my account manager from Sara Banking?
Yes, it is. You can send an e-mail to your manager from your SARA Banking account via the “complaints” menu available in the application. You will receive a reply to your message within two working days.
How do I log out of a Sara Banking session?
The “Logout” button on the right-hand side of the screen allows you to log out of the platform immediately and in complete security, i.e. without waiting for the automatic logout after 5 minutes of inactivity. This procedure excludes any possibility of your accounts being used by a third party with access to your mobile phone/tablet.
Is it possible to make a transfer to another bank via SARA?
Yes, a functionality to enable the transfer of funds to an account held at another bank has been provided for in Sara Banking. Its development is ongoing and it will be available soon.
Can I transfer money from my savings account to my current account?
Yes, you can. The Third Party Transfer functionality allows you to transfer funds from one of your Afriland First Bank accounts to the account of another Afriland First Bank customer.
Can I transfer money from my savings account to my current account?
Yes, you can take advantage of the account-to-account transfer: this functionality allows you to transfer funds between your Afriland First Bank accounts.
How do I cancel a transfer?
Once the payment has been received by the beneficiary, it cannot be cancelled. Cancellation is only possible in the case of a standing order set up via the SARA Banking platform. Simply contact your manager.
Am I allowed to transfer CFAF one million via Sara Banking?
It is possible. The default daily transaction ceilings are CFAF 2 million for both interbank and intrabank transfers.
How can I make a transfer via Sara Banking?
You can make your transfers by clicking on the Transfers menu in the list of service menus of the SARA Banking platform. Select the number of your account to be debited, choose or enter the account number to be credited, the amount and the reason for the transaction. The amount shall be credited to the beneficiary’s account once the transaction has been validated in the case of intra-bank transfers and within 48 hours in the case of inter-bank transfers.
What is an OTP?
The OTP is a one-time password that you need to complete a transaction you have initiated. All transactions involving the movement of funds require an OTP to complete the transaction and OTPs are all different.
Are transactions in Sara safe from malicious intent?
Absolutely. All is done to secure your remote operations (128-bit SSL protocol to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data exchanged on the Internet; use of a strictly personal identifier and code/password, OTP, etc.). The strict confidentiality of all your data and your exchanges with the agency is also ensured.
What should I do if I want to change my password?
The “Settings” menu of your SARA Banking account has a “Change PIN” functionality. Enter your current password, then enter a new 6-character password and confirm it by re-entering it accurately. Click on Validate box to complete the process. Remember to use your new password the next time to access Sara banking.
What should I do if I forget my password?
If you forget your password / PIN for accessing SARA Banking, please contact an Afriland First Bank branch or an authorised point of sale (banking agent) to obtain a new temporary password / PIN, which you must change the next time you use SARA Banking services on your phone/tablet.
What is the difference between Sara Banking and Sara Money?
The subscription to Sara Banking is subject to the opening of a bank account in our books. Sara Money is a wallet that does not require the opening of an account.
What are the login times for the SARA application?
The services available via the SARA Banking application are accessible 24/7, allowing you to bank via this channel at any time and from any place, provided you have access to an internet connection and your mobile phone can receive SMS messages. Your account balances and transaction history are always up to date, regardless of when you connect.
What should I do if I don’t receive the OTP?
Contact your account manager. If this is not possible, contact our quality department through the following numbers:
• WhatsApp: 237 680 05 80 05
• Telephone: 222518050
What should I do if I lose my phone?
Download the application to your new smartphone and enter your connection settings.
What is the monthly cost of Sara?
Fees related to the subscription and use of the SARA Banking service are spelt out in the banking terms and conditions available in the network branches and at our banking agents’.
The applicable fees are debited from the bank account indicated on the subscription form by the customer. Access to the application will automatically be suspended in case of non-payment for three months.
Can I activate my SARA account by myself once I have subscribed?
Download the application and install it by yourself on your smartphone. Start the subscription procedure on your own and have your account activated in an Afriland First Bank branch, to ensure security. All you need is to go to any Afriland First Bank branch with a copy of your identity card and fill in a subscription form which you can either download from the bank’s website or pick up the bank branch. Submit both documents to the bank staff in charge of Sara accounts activation.
How to connect and activate the product?
Download the application from Playstore or Appstore and install it on your smartphone; open the application and subscribe. Then go to an Afriland First Bank branch to have it activated.
Do I need to have a smartphone or tablet to access my account and make transactions via mobile applications?
Yes, absolutely. It is a mobile application. You have to download it from the stores and install it on your phone. A simple phone can’ t allow you to do that.
When I log in to the application and the following message pops up: “Account blocked, please contact your bank”. What does this mean?
Access to the application is automatically blocked for security reasons after three unsuccessful attempts to enter your password / PIN. Your account is blocked to prevent the fraudulent use of your access settings. This does not mean that your bank account has been frozen. Contact your account manager or the closest bank officer to obtain a temporary login code.
What are the services offered though the SARA application?
Through your Sara Banking mobile application, you can perform the following operations: – Check your bank account(s) – monitor your loans – check your TDs – keep track of your bills of exchange (old and current) – check your bills of exchange (old and current) – check exchange rates – submit your complaints – check and locate Afriland First Bank branches – check and locate Afriland First Bank ATMs. – add beneficiary(ies) to your bank account(s) – check the list of beneficiaries to your bank account – transfer funds from one account to another (both accounts have the same number) – transfer funds to a bank account other than your own in Afriland First Bank – make an interbank transfer – set up an intra or interbank standing order…
Who can subscribe to SARA Banking
Any person of legal age who holds a personal, single-signature bank account in the books of Afriland First Bank may subscribe to the SARA Banking service subject to the bank’s requirements.
Is Sara Banking online banking?
SARA Banking is the mobile application of Afriland First Bank. It is digital banking in that it allows you to access your Afriland First Bank account and carry out your banking transactions on your mobile phone or tablet. You can access the mobile application by downloading it from PlayStore or AppStore.
Which bank accounts are accessible via SARA?
You can access the following accounts:
• Personal chequing or current accounts
• Personal savings account
• Personal Islamic Deposit Account
• Personal Special Deposit Account
How do I unsubscribe?
Write a request to unsubscribe to the Managing Director of Afriland First Bank and submit it in the mail office.
In the case of a joint bank account, can each of the joint holders receive SMS alerts for transactions in their account?
Yes, it is possible. However, if you register more than one phone number, you will be charged for every phone number.
Can I subscribe to the SMS First service on several accounts?
Yes, you can receive alerts for multiple accounts.
How can I suspend my subscription?
By sending a written request to your account manager or by submitting it to the mail office of the closest Afriland First Bank branch.
What should I do if I lose my phone or it is stolen?
If you lose your phone or it is stolen, contact Afriland first Bank immediately by calling + 237 680 05 80 05 (WhatsApp) or 222518050 (calls) or go to our closest branch to report the loss or theft so that the service can be suspended.
What happens if my phone’s memory is full?
If your phone’s memory is full, you cannot receive any more SMS messages and they are put on hold by your operator. To receive queued SMS messages, you need to free up space in your phone’s memory by deleting previously received SMS messages.
What happens if my phone is switched off?
The message is stored and will be sent as soon as you switch on your phone.
What should I do if my phone number changes?
Immediately inform your manager of your new telephone number in writing. You must keep the bank informed of any changes, since the notifications sent as part of SMS First are data relating to your bank account.
How do I send a request via SMS First?
You won’t need to send requests to receive notifications in your phone. Alerts are automatically sent you after every debit or credit transaction.
When are SMS alerts sent to me?
Transaction alerts are sent promptly after the transaction, depending on the quality of the mobile phone network. The balance is sent weekly, on Friday at 9am.
Do I need to subscribe to a specific telephone operator to use the SMS First?
No, SMS First is compatible with all Cameroon mobile phone operators.
Can I receive my alerts when I am abroad?
Yes, in most cases you can receive our SMS alerts when you are abroad. Just take the time to find out from your local phone operator’s customer service department about any additional charges, including roaming. However, there may be a slight delay in reception due to traffic or network variations with foreign operators.
Do I have to use a special chip card to access SMS First?
No. You’ll receive your alerts through your regular smart card, provided your phone is set up to receive SMS messages.
Are there any charges for using SMS First?
Yes. All costs related to the access and use of SMS First as well as telephone-related costs are borne by the customer.
All costs related to the provision and use of SMS First are set out in the bank terms and conditions, which are available at all our bank branches. The amount of the service is directly debited from the bank account indicated on the subscription form by the customer.
Henceforth, Afriland First Bank offers SMS First in the packages it provides to its customers. Choose the package that best suits your needs and enjoy the SMS First service.
How soon after subscription does the service become active?
The service becomes active soon after subscription. Customers whose requests are approved automatically receive a confirmation of receipt by SMS.
If I hold several bank accounts, am I allowed to choose the one by which to subscribe to SMS First?
Yes, you can choose the account (s) by which you wish to receive SMS alerts.
What should I do if I no longer receive messages?
In the event of a disruption to the messaging system, we recommend that you contact your manager to reactivate your SMSFirst. The procedure is the same for the update of your SMS First when you change your phone number.
How does SMS First work?
You will receive real time alerts for your debit and credit transactions. This not only enables you to have full control over your account, but equally to monitor your transactions. You will receive your account balance every Friday at 9am.
What is the cost of SMS First?
CFAF 1200 /month. Please contact your account manager to obtain our pricing.
How can I subscribe to SMS First?
To subscribe to this service, go to any Afriland First Bank branch and fill in a subscription form. Attach a copy of your passport or National Identity Card to the form. Ensure that you have ticked the “SMS First” box in the form before submitting it to the business manager for processing.
Who can subscribe to SMS First?
The product is available to all customers who operate one or more bank accounts with Afriland First Bank.
What is SMS First?
Afriland First Bank’s SMS Banking service, known as SMS First, allows customers to access their account information via SMS on their mobile phone.
What is the cost of E-First?
CFAF 4700/month incl. VAT
What should I do if my account is frozen?
Contact your manager or write to the quality department.
What should I do if I have forgotten my PIN code?
Contact your manager to reset your code.
What should I do if I can’t access the online services?
Contact your manager or write to the quality department.
Who can pick up money I have transferred?
The only person who can pick up money you send is the beneficiary of the transfer. He or she must provide a valid ID and the 8-digit reference number at pick up. To further protect yourself, keep all information about your transfer confidential and ensure that the person you are sending money to is someone you know.
I received an email from MoneyGram requesting my financial information. Do I have to provide it?
No. MoneyGram will NEVER send you unsolicited emails asking for your personal or financial information.
What should I do if I suspect I have been phished?
If you believe you have received a suspicious email, please report it by contacting us on WhatsApp 237 680 05 80 05 or by calling 222518050
How to protect yourself from phishing?
The best way to avoid becoming a victim of hacking is to be aware of common scams. Pay close attention to the emails you receive, they could be an attempt to hack:
1. Misspelled words
• Since English is often a second or foreign language for hackers, spelling and grammatical errors can be key indicators
2. Bad links
• Type the website address directly into your Internet browser instead of clicking on a link in an email message
3. Beware of tempting offers
• Always cross-check offers before any transaction
How to detect phishing?
Here are some things to look out for if you think you have received a suspicious email:
• Links to a website requesting you to verify your account information
• Links to a website requesting a bank account number, credit card number, user name or password
• Threats to close your account if you do not verify your account information. It is good practice to never click on links in an email.
• Rather, type the website address directly into your Internet browser.
What is phishing?
Phishing or hacking is a type of online fraud intended to steal your personal information, such as:
• User names
• Passwords
• Credit card details or
• Secret questions and answers
Phishing is usually perpetrated through an e-mail that looks like an e-mail from MoneyGram or Afriland First Bank. The links in the email will direct you to a fake website that looks like the real thing. Never click on the links in the email. Be careful.
When are the transferred funds available for pick up by the beneficiary?
The funds can be picked up a few minutes after being sent subject to the opening hours of MoneyGram outlets and local regulation.
What should I do to pick up a MoneyGram transfer?
• Request the 8-digit reference number from the sender
• Go to any of our branches
• Fill in a “Service Authorisation” form, ensuring that you tick the “Receive Transfer” box.
• Submit the completed form together with your ID card and a photocopy of same to the teller
How do I find a MoneyGram provider close to me?
MoneyGram services are available worldwide. It is offered by all Afriland First Bank branches in Cameroon and abroad. Consult the list of MoneyGram outlets on our website and in our branches.
What should I do if the beneficiary has encounters difficulties in picking up the funds?
1- Make sure you send the correct 8-digit transfer reference number.
2- Make sure that the beneficiary has a valid identification document with photo identification, and that the name on the identification document matches the name you provided when sending the funds.
N.B.: Your name on the transfer receipt must match your name on your official ID document.
What are the requirements for a funds pick up?
• The original and a photocopy of your valid ID card.
• The 8-digit transaction reference number provided by the sender.
N.B.: The beneficiary’s name on the transfer receipt must match their name on their official ID document. Pick up requirements vary by country.
How can I find out what currencies are available in the beneficiary’s country?
Please contact our cashiers to find out whether the beneficiary’s country allows multiple currencies.
Can the beneficiary choose the currency of the transfer?
No. But the sender can select the currency if the beneficiary’s country allows for multiple currencies.
What are my currency options?
MoneyGram offers a choice of currencies for sending and receiving money in certain countries. You can find out the currency options from our cashiers.
How do I pay for a MoneyGram?
We accept two methods of payment: by cash or by direct debit from your account, if you have an account in our books us. For more information, contact us on 680 05 80 05
When are the funds available for pick up by the beneficiary?
Funds can be picked up by the beneficiary a few minutes after sending, regardless of the payment method. The transfer time is only an estimate, subject to the opening hours of the MoneyGram outlet and local regulations.
How much can I transfer?
Transaction ceilings depend on the legal requirements and the specific conditions of every transaction (e.g. in the receiving country). For more information, please contact our customer service or call us on 680 05 80 05!
How much does a MoneyGram money transfer cost?
MoneyGram fees vary according to the sender’s country of residence and the beneficiary’s country of residence.
How do I find a MoneyGram provider?
The MoneyGram services are available worldwide. It is offered by all Afriland First Bank branches in Cameroon and abroad. Consult the list of MoneyGram outlets on our website and in our branches.
How to send a transfer via MoneyGram from an Afriland First Bank branch?
1- Go to any of our branches.
2- Fill in a “Service Authorization” slip as follows:
• Beneficiary’s names in full as written in official ID document
• Sender’s names in full
• Amount to be sent (excl. of charges)
• Tick the “Send MoneyGram” box in the form
N.B.: When sending to a bank account, you must also provide the name of the beneficiary’s bank and account number. If you are sending to a mobile wallet, you must also provide the beneficiary’s mobile phone number and the international dialling code
3- Complete your transaction
• Submit the funds and completed form to the teller
• Collect your transaction receipt
• Provide the beneficiary with the 8-digit reference number for the collection of the funds.
What is required from the beneficiary when withdrawing funds in Cameroon?
• His/her NIC
• The reference number of the transaction.
You will be provided with all the withdrawal information that you can pass on to your beneficiary.
Must I select the location where my beneficiary will withdraw the funds in Cameroon?
No, you are not obliged to choose a place where your beneficiary should withdraw the funds. They do so in any Afriland First Bank branches or at any of partner’s outlets. The list is available on our website.
Can I send money via Flash Transfer online?
No, Flash Transfer is not available online. However, you can make Flash Transfer transactions from your smartphone. How does it work? Very simple… Follow the procedure:
1- Download the Sara By Afriland application on Playstore and Appstore.
2- Install it on your Smartphone.
3- Go to any of our branches to have your account activated.
4- Open your application and select Sara Money.
5- Enter your Pin code and log in
6- Select the ”Money transfer” menu.
7- Select “Flash Transfer
8- Fill in the fields and confirm.
9- Enter the OTP to validate your transaction
What are the requirements for a Flash Transfer withdrawal?
• The original and a photocopy of your valid ID card.
• The 7 digit-transaction reference number provided by the sender.
What should I do to I receive a money transfer via Flash Transfer?
• Request the 7-digit reference number from the sender
• Go to any of our branches
• Fill in a “Service Authorisation” form, ensuring that you have ticked the “Receive Transfer” box.
• Submit the completed form together with your ID card and a photocopy of same to the teller
What should I do if the beneficiary has encounters difficulties in picking up the funds?
1- Make sure you send the correct 7-digit transfer reference number.
2- Make sure that the beneficiary has a valid identification document with photo identification, and that the name on the identification document matches the name you provided when sending the funds.
N.B.: Your name on the transfer receipt must match your name on your official ID.
How can I find out what currencies are available in the recipient’s country?
Please contact our tellers to find out whether the beneficiary’s country allows multiple.
Can the beneficiary choose the currency of the transfer?
No. But the sender can select the currency if the beneficiary’s country allows for multiple currencies.
How do I pay for a Flash Transfer?
We accept two methods of payment: by cash or by direct debit from your account, if you have an account in our books us. For more information contact us on 680 05 80 05
When will the transferred funds be available for pick up by the beneficiary?
The funds can be picked up a few minutes after being sent regardless of the payment method.
How much can I transfer via Flash Transfer?
Transaction ceilings depend on the legal requirements and the specific conditions of the transaction (e.g. in the receiving country).
For more information, please contact our customer service team or call us on 680 05 80 05
How much does a Flash Transfer cost?
The cost varies according to the amount transferred and the country of the recipient. For more information, contact us on 680 05 80 05.
Must I select the location where my beneficiary will withdraw the funds in Cameroon?
No, you are not obliged to choose a place where your beneficiary should withdraw the funds. They do so in any Afriland First Bank branches or at any of partner’s outlets. The list is available on our website.
How do I send a Flash Transfer?
1- Go to any of our branches or any of our partners
2- Fill in a “service authorisation” form at the reception desk as follows:
• Beneficiary’s names
• Sender’s full names
• Amount to be sent (excl. of charge)
• The country and city of residence of beneficiary
3- Tick the “Send Flash Transfer” box in the form
4- Sign the form
5- Submit the form, the funds and your ID card to the cash clerk
6- Collect the transaction receipt and provide your beneficiary with the 7-digit reference number for pick up
7- You’ll receive an sms alert once the funds are picked up.
What are the requirements for a Flash Transfer withdrawal?
• The original and a photocopy of you ID card.
• The transaction reference number provided by the sender.
I am a civil servant. I have been transferred to another city. Is it possible to change branches ease my bank transactions in my new duty station?
This is possible. Go to the branch in the city and talk to the business manager or branch manager. Your account will be relocated as soon as possible.
Are Afriland First Bank’s branches open on holidays?
Yes, our branches are open on public holidays from 9 a.m to 11:45 a.m and from 4 p.m to 17:45 p.m.
Can you provide me with a list of your branches?
Please go to our website www.afrilandfirstbank.com, click on Locate us. You will find the list of all our branches. You will equally locate the closest branch.
What are the opening hours of Afriland First Bank branches?
From Monday to Friday our opening hours are: 7:30 a.m -11:45 a.m and 2:30 p.m to 5:45 p.m. On Saturdays and Holidays: 9 p.m -12 noon and 4 p.m-5:30 p.m